God Wants To Use You Right Where You Are –  Encouragement for Today – July 11, 2024

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Lysa TerKeurstJuly 11, 2024

God Wants To Use You Right Where You Are

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"After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel." Judges 3:31 (NIV)

Have you ever wanted to make a difference for Christ but felt oh so ordinary?

Maybe you’ve had this nagging sense that the world’s problems are too big and what you have to offer is too small.

I can absolutely relate. That's why I'm so fascinated with Shamgar.

We learn who Shamgar is in one small verse hiding at the very end of Judges 3: "After Ehud came Shamgar son of Anath, who struck down six hundred Philistines with an oxgoad. He too saved Israel" (Judges 3:31).

Tucked into this one verse, we see how Shamgar fought for God’s people, and his life had an extraordinary impact. God used him to save the nation of Israel.

Oh, how Shamgar's story stirs my soul. He was an ordinary person, in an ordinary place, doing an ordinary job. The thing that made him extraordinary wasn't anything external. It was his internal drive to do the right thing and obey God right where he was.

The same is possible for us: If we obey God in the midst of our ordinary lives, extraordinary impact is always possible.

When we take a closer look at Shamgar's life, there are reasons why he might have felt like the wrong man for a "Deliverer of Israel" job title:

  1. His background.

"Shamgar" is a name with Canaanite, not Hebrew, roots. Some scholars believe Shamgar was both Jewish and gentile. And since God had commanded His people not to marry gentiles because of their pagan practices, Shamgar's background could have easily led him to label himself an unlikely candidate for a mighty work of God.

  1. His occupation and choice of weapon.

Shamgar's use of an "oxgoad" (another word for "cattle prod") to kill the Philistines implies he may have been a farmer (Judges 3:31). So ... he was a farmer up against an organized army of 600 men. An oxgoad was typically used to prod oxen, not wage war. But since the Philistines, enemies of God’s people, would not allow the Israelites to have any weapons (1 Samuel 13:19-22), they used whatever they had on hand. Shamgar simply sharpened what he had and offered it to the Lord.

I love that God's hands are never limited by what we have in ours.

Friend, do you long to live a life that has extraordinary impact?

Offer God your willingness. Even if you feel small and unlikely ... even if everything in you is screaming, You're not someone who can be used by God ... don't disqualify yourself.

Use what God has given you. What gift, what talent, what ability, could you take time to sharpen? Choose to believe God can use anything you humbly offer to Him.

Stay true to who God created you to be. God didn't ask Shamgar to be anyone other than a farmer, and He's not asking you to be anyone other than who He designed you to be, either. No matter who you are, watch with humble amazement as God uses your willing, obedient, ordinary life to accomplish extraordinary things in His name.

Lord, thank You for reminding me that You can use anyone and everyone. I willingly offer You all I am and all I have - choosing to believe that who I am is enough to be used by You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.


That message stirring inside of you ... the book you know you're supposed to write but haven't known how to start ... the desire you have to grow your social media platforms or your podcast reach ... Friend, don't let fear steal these dreams from you. If the Lord spoke it to your heart, then Lysa TerKeurst, Proverbs 31 Ministries staff and other leaders will help you find your way forward at She Speaks 2024, happening July 19-20! You can still be a part: Register now to experience the entire conference online.


Find real-life encouragement when you connect with Lysa TerKeurst here on Instagram.


Psalm 145:17-18, "The LORD is righteous in all his ways and faithful in all he does. The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth"(NIV).

How does God's nearness give you courage to move forward in what He has called you to do? What gift or talent has God given you that you can purposefully sharpen and use for His glory?

We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts in the comments.

© 2024 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106