Do Your Words and Actions Honor Christ? – Senior Living – September 17

Do Your Words and Actions Honor Christ?

September 15

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. – >1 Corinthians 10:31

One day, a pig was fervently eating acorns under an oak tree. When the supply started waning, the pig became so enamored with finding more acorns that he began rooting around in the dirt, exposing the roots of the tree.

A crow landed on a tree limb and saw what the pig was doing. He told him, "You really shouldn't do that. If you lay bare the roots, the tree is going to whither and die."

The pig continued rooting and replied, "Let it die. Who cares as long as there are acorns?!"

Many times, people are just like that pig, forgetting about the long-term impact of their decisions and simply acting on whatever impulse they're feeling at the moment. But if we stop and think about our actions, we may discover that some of the things we're doing today are detrimental to our long-term spiritual health.

So what's the solution? In everything you do, ask the question, "Is this drawing me closer to Christ, or is it pushing me away from Him?" When we keep Jesus as the focus of everything we think and do, the decisions to honor Him will come naturally.

Prayer Challenge

Pray that Jesus Christ would be magnified in all your thoughts and actions today.

Questions for Thought

Think of an impulsive decision you've made that was detrimental to your relationship with Christ. Why did it seem like a good idea at the time?

As you seek to glorify God in your thoughts and actions, who are some people you can surround yourself with who can encourage you?

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