A Prayer to Stay Attached to Jesus – Your Daily Prayer – September 25

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A Prayer to Stay Attached to Jesus
By Alisha Headley

Bible Reading
"I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." – John 15:5

Listen or Read Below:

We are distracted from the moment we wake up. Before we can spend time in the Word of God with Jesus, and before we put our feet on the ground, we wake up with notifications from the world on our devices or needs from our spouses or kids and other demands that call for our attention. Not only that, but most of us are so into our routines that without even thinking about it, we go about our day on our own, rather than stay attached to Jesus.

As today's scripture verse says, if we remain in Jesus, we are promised a gift of fruitNot just any fruit, but fruits of the Spirit, which consists of "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control," as we are told in Galatians 5:22-23. The key to bearing much fruit in our lives is spending time attached to Jesus. The longer we keep hanging onto him, soaking our time in His Word, filling our minds and hearts with His truth and promises before the world gets hold of our minds, and keeping close to his heart with prayer so our hearts are aligned with His, the more we stay attached to him and the more fruit we bear. What a beautiful tradeoff!

Today's verse also says that for apart from me you can do nothing. We often turn to our own willpower or try to control our lives by producing our own love and joy and peace and all the fruit. And sometimes our efforts are rewarded, and we may experience fruitful times in our lives from our own doing. But that fruit is only temporary and not long-lasting for they will never fully satisfy. In John 4, Jesus met a woman at a well that He told her to stop going to other empty wells in life for she was going from husband to husband and not seeing the fruit. He told her that "those who drink water I will give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring withing them..." Jesus is our only source who will bear fruit that lasts, fruit that is bubbling and overflowing. Let's start attaching to Jesus more in all we do and experience more fruit that never runs dry.

Let's pray:

Father God,
We are so thankful that you loved us so much that you sent your son Jesus in human form to walk this earth and to teach us how to live a life of fruit while still here on earth. Lord, we are sorry for the times that we go about our days and attach to nothing but ourselves or our agenda or the world around us. We know that apart from you, it's an unfruitful and unfulfilling life. Please prompt us throughout the day to always stay attached to you and never stop speaking to you in prayer. Please prompt us to stay so attached to you that we don't turn to other wells in our lives for satisfaction. We know you are the only source but when we stay unattached from you, we often forget this. As we stay attached to you, we fall more in love with you, and we thank you for loving us in return. We praise you God, for you are a good Father.
In your name we pray, Jesus, amen.

Photo credit: DALL.E2024/ChatGPT-4o

Alisha Headley is a writer + speaker who has a desire to meet the everyday woman in her everyday life with biblical truth. Stepping into her true calling, she left the corporate world behind as a former-financial VP to love on her family as a stay-at-home wifey + dog mama, while also being able to pursue her passion as a writer. Healing from a chapter of life consumed with lies she once believed about herself, she is inspired to point women to Christ to experience the freedom + power to overcome those lies with the truth written in God's word. In her free time, Alisha enjoys road trips around the country, working out so she can eat her favorite foods, and creatively styling her outfits with a craft for fashion. Alisha is a proud wifey and dog mama living in Scottsdale, Arizona.

You can follow her blog by visiting her website or connect with her on facebook + instagram.

Related Resource: Remember God’s Enduring Love for You in this Guided Meditation on Psalm 100!

This guided Christian meditation from Psalm 100 will help you experience and praise God for his unending love for you. Become aware of God's presence with you, and praise God for his loyal and enduring love from the beginning of time and into the future. Listen to every episode of the So Much More Podcast on LifeAudio.com, or subscribe on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode!

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