Planting Yourself on the Rock When Hard Seasons Hit – Encouragement for Today – September 11, 2023

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Meredith Houston CarrSeptember 11, 2023

Planting Yourself on the Rock When Hard Seasons Hit

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"From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy." Psalm 61:2-3 (NKJV)

Several years ago, God moved our family to California for an adventure-filled season. Towering redwoods and the rugged Pacific Coast enthralled me - as did the terrifying prospect of earthquakes.

And during our first year, sure enough, we experienced a small (thankfully!) earthquake. I'll never forget the unsettling sense of the ground shaking and twisting beneath me - a sense that stuck around long after the soil stopped shivering.

Life can feel this way, too, can't it?

Loss, betrayal, sickness, grief, conflict, pain - any number of disasters can tilt our world off its axis. I've certainly been there, and maybe you have too. In these seasons, we grasp for balance and shakily go about daily routines, but nothing feels stable when the tectonic plates of life jitter beneath us.

And then difficult questions bombard our jumbled-up minds:

Will the ground ever stop moving?
Will I ever find steadiness again?
How am I supposed to live in such uncertainty? 

If you're like me, you might feel alone in your struggle or even guilty because well-intentioned people tell you to "just have more faith." But thankfully, when we turn to Scripture, we find plenty of stories about men and women who faced similar circumstances and asked the same questions.

Specifically, King David knew quite well the reality of living on unsteady ground. Loss, betrayal, defeat and near-death experiences peppered his path from pasture to palace. Yet as today's key verse details, David knew exactly what to do when shaky ground surrounded him:

"From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me, A strong tower from the enemy" (Psalm 61:2-3).

When hard seasons rocked him, David learned he could plant himself on the solid Rock, his defender, heavenly Father and friend. Over and over again, David referenced God as his Rock - a firm, reliable place of protection and perspective, soothing and safekeeping - even in the darkest times (Psalm 18:2, 31; Psalm 28:1; Psalm 62:7; Psalm 144:1).

The same God who supported David wants to support you too. When hard seasons hit, you and I can face them confidently by planting ourselves on God, our Rock.

R - Remember what God has done. Scour His Word and your past for evidence of His goodness. Consider writing down a record of what you discover! Each time the Lord shows Himself, big or small, resolve to remember His kindness.

O - Open yourself up to what God's trying to teach you. Instead of asking God, Why me? try asking, What are You trying to teach me? It's a challenging shift but one that exponentially propels our spiritual growth.

C - Cry out to Him with honesty. Too often, we keep our prayers passive and polite - but sometimes, we need to get real and raw with our heavenly Father. Don't be afraid to remind God of His promises! David did so repeatedly, and we can too.

K - Keep the faith by putting one foot in front of another. Hard seasons force us to take smaller steps with extreme focus, but that's not necessarily bad! Focus on the here and now, and take it one day (or hour!) at a time.

God never gives up on us. Let's decide never to give up on Him.

Dear one, whatever tremors shake the ground beneath us, we can learn to plant ourselves on Jesus. Let's run to Him today and find the security we desperately crave!

Jesus, thank You for being a solid Rock on which we can always stand. Help us take refuge in You when difficulties shake our lives. We place our trust in You! In Jesus' Name, Amen.


To the woman who is constantly pouring out: We created a day where all you have to do is show up and be filled. Join us for Reset: A Saturday To Tend to Your Soul at First Baptist Church in Charlotte, NC, on October 7, 2023. Gain a perspective change that will revive your soul so you can continue to fall more in love with God and experience His love for you daily. Grab your spot now!


As you navigate the tensions of a difficult relationship, do you ever find yourself asking, "Is every relationship this hard? God, I love this person, but what do I do in this situation that feels ‘off'?" Lysa TerKeurst understands these challenges and has also asked the same questions. That's why she put together a resource called "Is This Normal? 15 Red Flags You May Be Missing in Your Relationships." With this resource, Lysa will help you get honest about the effects unhealthy relational dynamics are having on you and provide you a guided list to process through so you can tend to your own emotional well-being. Download for free today.


Join Meredith on Instagram for more encouragement, community and a few laughs to help you through the tough seasons!


Psalm 71:3, "Be to me a rock of refuge, to which I may continually come; you have given the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress" (ESV).

Do you think of God as your firm foundation? What would running to Him for refuge in your current season look like? Share your thoughts in the comments.

© 2023 by Meredith Houston Carr. All rights reserved.

Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106